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(イ) 相違する音がその前母音の長音であるか(長音の有無にすぎないか)
(ロ) 相違する音がその後子音の長音であるか(促音の有無にすぎないか)
[Note 2] As judging factors relating to the length of a sound (whether the sound is long or short), the following factors shall be enumerated;
(a) whether a different sound is a long sound of its preceding vowel (simply whether there is a long sound or not).
(b) whether a different sound is a long sound of its succeeding consonant (simply whether there is a geminated consonant or not).
As to the length of the sound, this relates to the articulation (strength of the sound) since a long sound and a geminated consonant are heard comparatively weakly (the sound preceding a long sound or geminated consonant is generally heard strongly), and it also relates to a judging factor relating to the syllable since a long sound and a geminated consonant, when pronounced, give an impression as being one unit and as constituting one syllable.
本日は、NM先生によるソフトウェア特許の説明会に出席。18:30~20:30。NM先生、運営委員の皆様、お世話になります。特・実審査基準「第VII 部 第1 章 コンピュータ・ソフトウエア関連発明」を持ってゆくことを忘れずに。

Post Author: tsubakipat