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(1) 平成17年(行ケ)第10744号(知的財産高等裁判所第2部)判決文抜粋
(2)但し、発明の進歩性を認めるべきか否かの判断においては、特許出願人側と第三者側との利益考量を行なうべきであり、実務において商業的成功は、審査官や裁判官の心証形成のための補助的な材料にはなると思われる(1つのbargaining chipとしての役割)。
(3)MPEP716.03(b) Commercial Success Derived From Claimed Inventionより抜粋
 ”In considering evidence of commercial success, care should be taken to determine that the commercial success alleged is directly derived from the invention claimed, in a marketplace where the consumer is free to choose on the basis of objective principles, and that such success is not the result of heavy promotion or advertising, shift in advertising, consumption by purchasers normally tied to applicant or assignee, or other business events extraneous to the merits of the claimed invention, etc. In re Mageli, 470 F.2d 1380, 176 USPQ 305 (CCPA 1973) (conclusory statements or opinions that increased sales were due to the merits of the invention are entitled to little weight); In re Noznick, 478 F.2d 1260, 178 USPQ 43 (CCPA 1973). ”
※extraneous to:~とは無関係で

Post Author: tsubakipat