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On appeal, RES does not challenge the jury’s factual finding of equivalency between the copper-steel and copper-aluminum laminates. Instead, citing Maxwell, RES argues that Johnston did not claim steel substrates, but limited its patent scope to aluminum substrates, thus dedicating to the public this unclaimed subject matter. On this ground, RES challenges the district court’s denial of its motion for summary judgment that RES’s copper-steel laminates are not equivalent, as a matter of law, to the claimed copper-aluminum laminates. Johnston responds that the steel substrates are not dedicated to the public, citing YBM Magnex. In other words, the two parties dispute whether Maxwell or YBM Magnex applies in this case with regard to infringement under the doctrine of equivalents.
【参考:Mawell 特許4624060】
1. A system for attaching together mated pairs of shoes, which comprises in combination:
(A) a pair of shoes, each of which has an inner sole [16] and an outer sole [15], each shoe also having a shoe upper with an inside surface [17] and a top edge, each of said shoes further having a fastening tab [12] and means for securing said tab between said inner and outer soles,
(1) said fastening tab [12] being an integral sheet with two parts,
(2) the first of said parts [13] comprising one end of the elongated tab [12] extending horizontally between the inside surfaces of the outer sole [15] and inner sole [16] of the shoe and firmly secured thereto with said securing means,
(3) the second of said parts [14] comprising the opposite end of the elongated tab [12] extending from one edge of the inner sole [16] and vertically upward along but spaced from the inside surface of the shoe upper [17] and extending so that said opposite end remains beneath the top edge of said shoe upper,
(4) the second of said parts [14] having an aperture in the form of a loop formed by doubling the fastening tab [12] over on itself, and
(B) a filamentary fastening element [19] extending through the apertures of each of said fastening tabs [12], the ends of the filamentary element [19] being joined together in a closed loop;
whereby said pair of shoes is attached together by said fastening element [19] passing through the aperture in each of said tabs [12] so that on removal of said fastening element [19], said shoes separate and said tabs [12] are not visible outside said shoe uppers.

Post Author: tsubakipat