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§ 1.52 Language, paper, writing, margins, compact disc specifications.
(6) Other than in a reissue application or reexamination proceeding, the paragraphs of the specification,
other than in the claims or abstract, may be numbered at the time the application is filed, and should be individually and consecutively numbered using Arabic numerals, so as to unambiguously identify
each paragraph.
(6) 再発行出願又は再審査手続の場合を除き,明細書の段落(クレーム及び要約におけるものを除く。)には,出願提出時に番号を付すことができ,当該段落は,各段落を明瞭に識別することができるように,アラビア数字を使用して,個別的かつ連続的に番号が付されなければならない。
The number should consist of at least four numerals enclosed in square brackets, including leading zeros (e.g., [0001]). The numbers and enclosing brackets should appear to the right of the left margin as the first item in each paragraph, before the first word of the paragraph, and should be highlighted in bold. A gap, equivalent to approximately four spaces, should follow the number.
当該数字は,角括弧に入れた冒頭のゼロを含む4 桁以上の数字(例えば,[0001])で構成されるものとする。番号及びそれを囲む括弧は,各段落の最初の項目として,その段落の最初の単語の前に,左余白の右側に記載されなければならず,かつ,太字で強調されていなければならない。番号の後には,およそ4 字に相当するスペースを置かなければならない。
Non text elements (e.g., tables, mathematical or chemical formulae, chemical structures, and sequence data) are considered part of the numbered paragraph around or above the elements, and should not be independently numbered.
If a nontext element extends to the left margin, it should not be numbered as a separate and independent paragraph.
A list is also treated as part of the paragraph around or above the list, and should not be independently numbered.
Paragraph or section headers (titles), whether abutting the left margin or centered on the page, are not considered paragraphs and should not be numbered.

Post Author: tsubakipat